Posts Tagged ‘Sam Glaser’

The Songs We Sing (Interview)

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

by Yossi Zweig

SamJeansJE Magazine: Shalom Sam. Thanks for taking a minute while you’re on the East Coast. The opening quote on your website calls you “the hardest working man in Jewish music.”  How did you get that title?

Sam Glaser: Since 1992 I have been on tour to an average of fifty cities a year. Almost 19 years now.  It makes me tired just thinking about it!  I tend to be out of town every other weekend. When I’m not on the road I have a great day job: I run a recording studio where I produce albums for clients.  I also try putting out one of my own a year.


JE Magazine: How do your wife and kids handle that?

SG: I’m a full time musician and I have to put food on the table!  I individually take each of my three kids with me when I am on the road…it’s a wonderful bonding time for us. I try to have quality time with them everyday I’m home.  My wife and I are good about looking out for each other. We have “date night” every Wednesday. That seems to maintain Shalom Bayit (peace in the home) better than anything.

JE Magazine: I’ve spoken to some of your fans…some of which came to the show in Sam Glaser t-shirts. Your website says you have a devoted following in all denominations. Now that I’ve seen them in person I believe it.

SG: I grew up in a Conservative synagogue, half of my concerts are in the Reform movement, I became Orthodox, my brothers became Chassidim and my parents became Chabadniks. I’m all over the map. I play all types of synagogues and make the rounds at JCCs. I’m a regular at Jewish conferences, performing at Biennial, OU, GA, Cantors Assembly, CCAR, Aish, Hadassah, CAJE, for any Jew that moves. My goal is to get people together. Enthusiastic about their heritage. Close to each other and close to God. As far as I’m concerned we’re one big happy family.  I’m the oldest of four boys and I’ve always been a “pleaser” type person, trying to make peace.  I guess it’s my destiny.  It’s a real blessing when I play a gig where all the synagogues in any given community collaborate on producing my concert.

JE Magazine: I know we hear your music all over the place but some of our readers probably don’t know it’s yours. Can you give us some ideas where we hear your stuff?

SG: Well, I have sold over 100,000 of my CDs and hopefully they are getting around. Other Jewish artists sing my songs as well.  New York’s JM in the AM had two hour-long shows of my music recently. Thank G-d we have dozens of great Jewish radio/internet stations around the country.  Have you heard about Jewish Rock Radio?  I’m a featured artist and it’s available as an App on the iphone…how cool is that? uses a lot of my stuff. Jewish Life Television plays a lot of my videos.  I’ve been on several of the Reform movement’s Ruach CDs. I’m on the Chabad Telethon frequently. Let’s just say that I almost never say no.

JE Magazine: What about TV stuff? Didn’t you used to do the music for the Dodgers?

SG: I spent much of the 80s and early 90s chasing that dream. Composing for commercials, TV movies, the WB Network, ESPN.  I’ve never cared much for televised sports but somehow I became the sports music guy in LA for a while.  I did music for the Dodgers, Angels, Lakers, Clippers, World Cup of Surfing, Warren Miller Ski Films. Those were the good old days, before music libraries took over, before Frostwire and everybody having a studio on their Mac. I must admit that the scoring business was somewhat empty…I felt like everything I was writing was disposable. From that perspective, I don’t miss it. I still get a soundtrack project in the studio from time to time and I appreciate the challenge.

JE Magazine: And Jewish music is filling that spiritual void?

SG: Bigtime. When I come into a city I feel totally uplifted by the audiences.  They empower me to inspire them.   It’s a symbiotic thing.  It’s that mixture of adrenaline and spontaneity and all the stars colliding. What a rush. I have a selection of a few dozen workshops I offer when I lead a Shabbat program.  I can’t explain how but there’s a power that an audience has to suck the right words out of me.  Obviously I have notes when I need them but I go into this heightened plane where I just deliver.  Playing the clubs back then was dehumanizing.  You did your 40 minute set and then got chased off the stage like cattle so the next wannabe’s could set up their gear.

JE Magazine: What’s on the horizon for you?

SG:  I have so much new material that I’m recording.  It’s got me totally stoked.  That’s California talk for really excited.  I want to release a new CD every quarter.  But my wife would kill me!  Last year I released The Songs We Sing Volume 2.  It’s a 28 song greatest hits of the Jewish People collection that took me two years to complete.  When I recorded that I also did Volume 3 at the same time.  Volume 3 is all Jewish dance music. My band doesn’t want me to release it cause they’re afraid we’ll never get booked anymore…people will just buy the CD!  I still need to do final vocals…it’s coming soon.  Next up is a secular album dedicated to my dad. It’s called Father’s Day and has songs about fatherhood, aging parents, life and loss.  God willing out this June. My next album of my original Jewish music is also in the works.  It’s called The Promise and focuses on our relationship with Israel.  After this interview I’ll play you a few cuts.

JE Magazine: I’ve been listening to your stuff since a friend gave me Across the River.  I still think it’s your best work.

SG: That was 1997!  Actually I just listened to it and I’m still proud of it.  People always think that the first album of mine they got into is the best.

JE Magazine: I think it’s safe to say that your albums are among the best produced and most heartfelt in the Jewish world.  It’s not simple music.  It’s real and powerful stuff. I hear just about everything and your CDs really tell a story and stand the test of time. But you got so many albums… this new one was number 21!?  Which ones would you recommend for newcomers?

SG: Well, first of all, thank you!  I guess I’d start with Presence and The Bridge. They were my first albums freed from the limits of tape machines.  You have to understand that unlimited tracks with digital recording was like a miracle for us producer types.  Finally I could get these sounds in my head out in the world without any technological compromises. Hallel is ideal for a long drive.  If you like nigunim (songs without words) and a more traditional Jewish sound, my Nigun/Voice of the Soul is really rich and features RebbeSoul and singers from Blue Fringe, Moshav and Soulfarm. For kids, my Rockin’ Chanukah CD, Kol Bamidbar and Soap Soup should do the trick. On my website you can buy 3 and get 1 free. Shameless plugs!

JE Magazine: Any final words for our readers?

SG: First of all, many thanks to JE Mag and to you for getting the word out about new Jewish music. For your readers: Love your Judaism!  Celebrate Shabbat!  Have an attitude of gratitude. Don’t steal music. Buying downloaded songs is cool but keep in mind that many artists like me intend to have their art taken in as a whole…you wouldn’t only buy 1/10th of a painting!  Try the whole album…it’s how I meant for you to hear my stuff.  I love getting feedback.  Write to me at and say hello!


Better Run Away

Monday, February 28th, 2011
by Sam Glaser  

max partyMany a morning I bask in the sunlight on our front porch surrounded by fragrant jasmine, birds of paradise and bougainvillea. It’s my power spot for the Shachrit prayers.  I’m bound up in my tefillin, enveloped in my tallit and connected to the Source of all creation. This sunny spot conceals me just enough from the few passersby on our quiet street but some know to look for me and wave as I shuckle back and forth.  Our new neighbors have two adorable kids, the oldest a loquacious, blonde three-year-old with a favorite game. While I daven I can’t help but notice him try, often successfully, to run away from the house and down the street as his nanny panics and bolts after him.  Every time he gets a little farther and she freaks out a bit more.

We did the same thing with our dad.  We’d stand in front of his comfy leather easy chair and he’d trap us between his knees saying, “run away!”   We’d wait for the trap to open and before we could charge out of his grasp he’d grab us with his enormous hands and whisk us right back where we started.  Every third or fourth time we’d actually escape, sometimes with too much velocity and crash to the floor.  We’d pick ourselves up, stop laughing and try it again.

Of course I performed the same shenanigans with my own precious offspring and when they grew bigger, made an art form out of chasing them around the house.  Any Soap Soup fans know well our game of Better Run Away (Before I Grab You) as codified in the song by the same name.  The kids know that when I catch them I freeze and count, “five, four, three, two, RUN,” giving them time to escape.  As they grew older and could outrun me I devised a corollary to the game called Anger Bottle.  I drink most of the water out of a 12 oz. plastic bottle and then huck it at them with all my

sam bday cakemight.  It has to have just enough water to serve as ballast for a good throw but be empty enough that it scares the pants off them when it strikes the wall just behind where their heads were moments before.  I scream insults at them in my best Pirate tongue and we run until we’re too sweaty or until someone gets hurt. Many neighborhood friends come over specifically to have me terrorize them with my handy Arrowhead.

I’m writing this month’s essay about the evolution of this chase because I feel like the rules are shifting once again.  Now my kids are running away from home.  As far from their parents as they can get.  They aren’t quite cutting the cord completely.  But the stage is set for their inevitable escape.  I left home at seventeen.   I was fiercely independent and confident, with a love for the world, people and adventure and blithely left my three brothers and dear parents to deal with the impact of my disappearance from the family dynamic.  I was busy with Berklee College of Music, new friends and summer piano jobs in Montana and Greece.  I never stopped loving and appreciating my family, but I did so with occasional calls and postcards from the road.  My son Max is sixteen. The writing is on the wall.

I remember when it was clear to Shira and me that God did not plan on giving us any more children.  I had to make an appointment with my rabbi to share my distressed feelings of leaving the reproductive years behind.  I never stopped loving babies and still grab them any time there’s a willing parent.   My wife made it clear that the store was closed and I felt like I was just getting started!  I have a hunch that this melancholy will not hold a candle to the advent of empty nest.  I love the metaphor of the archer…as parents we pull the bow back with all our might and aim it to the best of our ability. Then we launch our beloved offspring on a lofty trajectory and PRAY for a good landing.  That sounds nice in theory…but right now I’m desperately holding on to every hike, every trip to the mall, every conversation at Coffee Bean.

My next CD is called Father’s Day.  It’s about being a dad, loving my own dad, the passage of time and the bitter sweetness of our lives.  Yes, I’m trying to get it out on the market before Father’s Day.  I have a line in one of the songs that sums up this new chapter: “I could hold your hand in front of all your friends, then I became an idiot.”  Max is hiding more.  Creating his own sense of self away from the shadow we cast.  Welcoming anywhere from

max mariachi10-25 friends over every Shabbat afternoon and hinting not to subtly that I find my own friends to play with.  He looks so damn handsome and has such a winning smile.  But that smile is more often reserved for his peers and if I want a conversation I have to bribe him with an occasional fancy meal or force him on an outing.  Even then I don’t have his full attention; I’m trying to teach him that it’s not OK to text while in a conversation with a live human.  He tries to comply until an “important” message comes through.

Jesse, my fourteen year old, is affectionate and demonstrative.  He’s as easy going as Max is willful.  He insists that he is going to be a rich doctor and build us a guesthouse for our retirement on his expansive property.   This too will change.  In fact, on our way to a recent family friend’s bar mitzvah, Jesse warned my wife and me that we were not allowed to dance.  Max chimed in, “don’t even talk.”  Thankfully Sarah was willing to party with us while her brothers cowered in shame.

I’m grateful that my kids still beg for bedtime stories.  I make them up every night from scratch; fully realized adventures, mysteries, business sagas and tales of spiritual rendezvous.  They each give me two random nouns that I must somehow incorporate into the story line.  I accept this challenge in order to keep their curiosity piqued throughout the fifteen minutes of drama. I owe them a dollar if I forget their word and I rarely mess up.  This past year Max stopped asking for stories and no longer will volunteer words.  A few nights ago I caught him underneath his covers with his headphones on during an especially intricate tale.  Like I said, the times they are a-changing.

By now you are probably wondering why I am taking you down this lonely road.  Of course, there’s a lesson in this and it’s acutely applicable at this time of the year.  You see, my friends, we are now entering Adar sheni, the final month in the Jewish calendar. This is the season when we heighten our joy and celebrate Jewish Mardi Gras, otherwise known as Purim.   We then launch into the first of the biblically numbered months, Nissan, during which we experience the week of Passover.  The Jewish year begins with the commemoration of the Exodus, reliving the plagues, splitting of the sea and revelation at Sinai.  Pesach is the holiday of homecoming and rebirth and logically occurs in the springtime.  We return to our infancy as a nation when we witnessed nine months of plagues and then were carried like a baby through the dangers of the desert, depending on God’s constant beneficence for our survival.

On the other hand, the megilah or scroll of Esther that we read on Purim is the only book in the canon that does not mention the name of God.  And yet God is surreptitiously operating behind the scenes in the formation and then foiling of Haman’s genocidal plot.  The word Purim refers to the game of chance that the villain in the saga employs to determine the date of our extinction.  This eternal tale leaves the reader with the option of perceiving either chance or the hand of God at each turn of events.  So too can we learn to see God’s presence in our own lives, both at times of turmoil and triumph.  In other words, when we reach spiritual maturity, when seemingly random events occur we might remark, “large world, well managed,” rather than, “it’s a small world.”

The Jewish year begins with revelation and ends with concealment.  Moses is God’s agent in bringing the Shechina down to earth and Esther’s name has the word “to hide” at its root.  Jewish history takes us on a journey from vulnerability in the desert to the formation of a people capable of agriculture, Talmudic discourse, defense and technology.  We spent an extra thirty-nine years in the desert because we didn’t want to leave the womb.  Our lives progress from dependence on our parents (and our Parent in heaven) to independence and as Stephen Covey would insist, ideally to interdependence where we grasp our role in the greater society.

In 1990 my father’s company went bankrupt.  This was a serious rupture in our family’s security and this forty-year enterprise was my dad’s raison d’être.   It’s highly likely that his four boys would have gone into the business. Instead, I became a full time musician and fell in love with my Judaism, eventually marrying the two in this unusual career of mine.  Two of my brothers became popular rabbis and the other brother is now a well-respected lawyer.  We don’t have the silver spoon in our mouths anymore and I think that’s a good thing.  We’ve had to fight for every last nickel and we’ve learned the value of hard work and perseverance.

In the desert we enjoyed manna from heaven and in Israel we had to perform backbreaking labor to cultivate our crops.  Adam was commanded to work and guard the Garden of Eden, not recline in a lounge chair drinking mai-tais.  To have any sense of pride and accomplishment, my children must strike it out on their own and wean themselves from the open tap of our generosity.  I fully understand the importance and inevitability of this process but I don’t have to like it.

The consolation for parents of teens is that yes, they will move out of our homes but not our lives, and that God willing, grandchildren will follow! Now when I look around my Shabbas table I am poignantly aware that in the ensuing years there will be empty places.  This sensation of always being in high demand as they compete for my attention will wane.  OK…I’m getting depressed again! I wish I had a freeze frame or at least a slow motion button on the video of my life.   Life is so good.

I’d like to offer my loyal readers the blessing that “those that

Glasers Hawaii sow in tears will reap with joy.”  Treasure your challenges and strive to see God’s loving hand in every facet of your life.  Take your spouse out on a regular date night so that when the house empties out you remember what one another looks like.  And in the immortal words of the psalmist, James Taylor, “Shower the people you love with love, show them the way that you feel, things are going to work out fine if you only will.”


Losing Debbie

Friday, January 28th, 2011

by Sam Glaser

Limmud sounded like a good idea this year.  This revolutionary British organization was celebrating its 30th anniversary and Debbie Friedman and I were among those honored to be invited.  Limmud is the foremost conference worldwide for lay people of all denominations to spend a week engrossed in Torah study and Jewish culture.  Some 2500 Yidden show up annually to the University of Warwick, England during the last week of the year.  The explosive growth of this grass-roots phenomenon has now spread to forty cities worldwide.  I have performed at US, UK and Australian versions of the conference and love the chance to see Jewish unity fully lived rather than merely theoretical.  When Chanukah is “early,” it is generally safe for me to fill the week of Xmas with this conference since my Chanukah tour is over mid-month.

What I didn’t anticipate was the fact that my November and December would be booked to the hilt.  Twenty cities in two months is enough to make any grown man ardently long for his family, bed and favorite toilet.  I had a three-day turnaround in LA after an east coast swing and then I boarded a ten-hour transatlantic flight.  British Airways sold every seat on the 747.  Luck would have it that I was seated next to an oversized filmmaker from Brussels named Michael Goldstein.  Large world, well managed…we hit it off and spoke of the opportunities in Jewish life for hours until he fell asleep on my shoulder.  Needless to say, I arrived exhausted in frozen England the day after a four-day blizzard shut down Heathrow.  An endless array of white patchwork fields spilled into cobalt blue seas as we descended over the United Kingdom.  Once on the ground we had a two hour wait for a two hour bus ride. I took solace in the fact that at least I’d be able to spend some quality time with Debbie.

What made this whirlwind week different from other conferences I’ve done with Debbie was the fact that she didn’t have “handlers.” Usually there are protective, mothering fans that smother her with affection and ensure that she doesn’t overdo it.  This time, Debbie was totally in the mix.  Teaching, singing in the ad hoc choir, performing and hanging out at the inevitable late night jams until the wee hours.  Several nights in a row, literally past three in the morning, insomniac musicians huddled in a circle with a dozen guitars, dumbeks, tambourines and iphone pianos and sang every Jewish, Beatles, Cat Stevens, Stevie Wonder and Carole King song we could think of.  Thanks to the miracle of ubiquitous internet access, anytime we couldn’t remember the lyrics, someone was always ready with a PDA linked to the right words.  Often I am thrust into a leadership role at these kumzitzes in order to manage segues and land in ideal singing keys.  At Limmud, however, the leadership was shared by a dozen songleading masters…sometimes Debbie would start something and then calling the next tune would pass organically to another person.  We enjoyed an unspoken clarity on when the exact time transpired to move onto something new and over a four hour period covered just about every genre known to Western Man.

Debbie GtrDebbie’s last official concert was everything that we fans wanted.  All the hits, the crowd singing at the top of our lungs, tears aplenty at her epic ballads. Her voice was frail but she still hit the notes.  Her humor was spontaneous and spot on and of course her trademark issues with guitar tuning created several classic improvised moments.  Our beloved EJ Cohen was there to interpret both of our shows with her flowing, artful bi-lingual sign language.  Debbie asked that no one video, photograph or facebook about the show.  Just to be present, to be with her.  Of course she sang Misheberach for us and then us for her.  Little did we know.

The next night Debbie came to my concert with a black eye.  She was walking with a tortured gait and had slipped on the ice. Interesting that when it slips below freezing, London Fog turns into icy mist, coating the sidewalks with a treacherous layer of thin ice.  Hearing the British audiences sing along with my songs with a cockney accent was a true highlight.  It’s been said that accent doesn’t carry through in singing.  Wrong again!  After my show I managed to sell nearly all my CDs and then hung out at the mosh pit of a bar scene with the young folks.  I saw Debbie sitting there alone and available.  I promise that this never would have happened at any of the 17 CAJE conferences I did with her.  I sat down on the steps beside her and we spoke of new projects and her tale of woe caring for her ailing mother and the scarcity of gigs.  I didn’t realize that she had moved to Southern California a few months earlier to be close to her ima, and I was happy at the prospect that we might be able to spend some time together.

Over two thousand people enjoyed a star studded closing gala featuring an amazing ad hoc choir assembled over the course of the week.  Following my Hineni song, conductor extraordinaire, Stephen Glass, presented a moving tribute to Limmud, sung by the choir and featuring Debbie and me on the opening verses.  I held her hand throughout and at the end of our portion of the song she gave me a warm, beautiful, maternal smile that I will never forget.  We were often called upon to do these programs; at the GA conference, CAJE and Halleli at the Gibson Amphitheater.  I realize that we make an odd couple for a number of reasons.  But we are truly singing the same song, with the same goal of getting our fellow Jew invested in a relationship with a loving God.

I flew home after a full week of near all-nighters, singing until my voice was like sandpaper, teaching every day, and too many experiments with the eclectic beers on tap.  Thrashed is the best word I can think of.  A friend at my first Shabbas meal back in LA suggested I do a full week liver cleanse and I took him up on it.  No carbohydrates, soda, caffeine, Advil, meat, booze, etc.  I usually can power out my work after my kids go to bed.  I found myself exhausted at ten pm.  If this trip to the ice planet Hoth took such a toll on me, imagine what it did to my delicate friend Debbie.  She contracted serious pneumonia and didn’t have the resources to fight it.  The entire Jewish world (at least the non-Orthodox affiliated segment) held prayer vigils and sing-along’s to appeal to the Creator of the Universe to give Debbie another chance.  But this was to be her time.  The shocking news sent chills down my spine. Jerry Kaye’s Facebook post uttered the impossible simply and finally.

Heartbreak.  Tears.  Shock.  Disbelief.  Sadness.  Then all of them over again and all together.  The letters, condolences and memories poured in on Facebook, Hanashir Listserve and email.  I called many of my Jewish musician peers just to hear their voices and get perspective.  I was slammed in the studio that week and it was so hard to focus on anything.  I posted this at the height of my grief:

“I’m broken hearted. Our dear friend, mentor and spiritual ima has left the world. I can’t imagine what a beautiful, holy place she is in right now. How many of us did she touch with her sweetness, with her direct channel to God’s music. I will always sing for her and with her wherever I go.  Every thing I do I think, wow… Debbie can’t do that now.  I’m stoic and then crying again.  I just tried to explain to my kids which songs she wrote that they know and then broke down again.  I’m still not sure what losing Debbie means.  I don’t think any of us know. OK.  I’m crying again.  We lost her in Parshat Beshalach, Shabbat Shira.  She’s dancing with Miryam. No question. The seas are parting.  She opened up the sea for us Jewish musicians.  She showed us our potential.  She showed us how to open up the hearts of our audiences to hear God’s music.  How the concert or song session was not about us singing, but about lifting the spirits of everyone in the room, getting them to sing, to feel and connect. Last week I got to sing with her, to hold her hand, see her smile.  What a gift.”

I tried to figure out why I was so affected.  Debbie and I saw each other just a few times a year.  We came from different worlds, different coasts, different theologies.  She often made jokes about my move to Orthodoxy.  The only people who like to check if I am wearing tzitzit are one of my Aish rabbis, Craig Taubman and Debbie Friedman.  I realized that the core of my mourning was the feeling of the loss of a mentor.  Debbie was one of the few artists that worked at her Jewish music full time without a day gig.   When I was trying so hard to break into the business with my first album, she had 8 CDs in the Tara Music’s top 50.  She showed me what was possible in my life.  Moreover, she used her position to create opportunities for other composers and songleaders.  She was the master and we were her students.  She proved to us that there were no barriers to entry; not gender, sexual preference, handicap or level of education.  What mattered most was talent and tenacity and getting yourself out of the way so that God could speak through you.

I remember my second CAJE conference in 1993 when Debbie was leading a final jam session the last night.  I was thinking, “this kumbaya nonsense has got to stop!  It’s time to rock!”  Yes, I was rash and impetuous, and over the years I learned the magic of her soothing music and the power of its simplicity.  Like a great Shlomo Carlebach tune, Debbie’s songs grab you immediately and stick in your head, resurfacing every time you are innocently eating a latkeh, planting a tree or teaching the aleph-bet.

A few years ago I was in Debbie’s Manhattan apartment hanging out and making music.  She has an amazing piano and we sang and shmoozed and spoke of hopes and fears.  Even brilliant Debbie could feel vulnerable and question if she was making a difference.  I told her that I was living on the edge…three kids in private school and a considerable mortgage riding on the back of a sole wage earner musician dad.  That all my relatives thought I was nuts for choosing my field.  She said, “Sam, if times are ever tight and you need help, I will be there for you.  I will give you half of the money I get in my gigs to help you out.”  I laughed at her gesture and she looked at me with dire seriousness.  “Sam, I’m not kidding.  You need to be doing what you are doing.  And I will be there when you call on me.”

I sobbed throughout her funeral.  It’s the music that really gets to me.  Every song had me reaching for more kleenex.  Of course I wanted to be one of those chosen to sing.  But I’m not sure I could have found my voice through the tears.  Seeing the Collings guitar that I had played the week before on top of her casket was so shocking.  We had to be reminded that this ceremony was not for the musicians or the Reform movement, it was really for her immediate family that was grieving in the front row.  The audience was a who’s who in Jewish music.  Sad that it took the loss of a peer to get us together.

More moving was the graveside service.  A thousand people came to the memorial but only a few hundred drove to the internment.  The Jewish custom of the mourners filling in the grave is so perfect.  We bury our dead.  It’s so final and real.  We sang her songs as we shoveled.  I cried with her mother and her dear sister.  They were a real team and now they had lost their captain.  We comforted the mourners and then everybody left.  Except the musicians.  No one told us to stay.  I can only speak for myself.  I couldn’t leave her.  I just stood their crying, contemplating the world without her, focusing on the moment so that I could perceive her liberated neshama and not get pulled into a petty conversation.  When I came to, I looked around and I saw a dozen of my fellow musicians standing in random places on the grass in the golden light of the setting sun.  Wordlessly, we all started coming into a circle around her kever.  We joined hands, swayed and sobbed.  Wow.

As I drove home I felt a powerful determination sweep over me.  Not to settle for mediocrity in my life, in my career.  To force open the gates of possibility for Jewish music and the Jewish people.  To reach our non-Jewish friends with the gift of our message of hope, prayer and sanctity.  Mortality came sweeping down on my complacency like a tidal wave.  How many years do I have left to change the world?  To sing, perform, record, travel?  My twenty-one CDs have been a defense against feelings of insignificance.  But it’s not enough to put out albums.  I must use music as a stepping stone to take a stand for all Jewish people and our allies.  I must open the financial barriers that limit our expression, that stifle this renaissance.  Music is a gateway to transcendence and unity between nations.  Debbie Friedman started the fire and I must inspire my peers to turn this flame into a conflagration.

Debbie, thank you for setting the stage, for taking the lead, for teaching us, for striving through your pain and suffering to continue to inspire us.  Thanks for tolerating me and loving me.  Thanks for your amazing songs that have changed the world.    Most importantly, thanks for singing with me and being my friend.  I miss you so much.

Terror at the GA Conference

Friday, November 26th, 2010

by Sam Glaser

NetanyahuI had one of the most uplifting weeks of my life.  Such powerful concerts and interactions.  Wonderful audiences in New York, New Jersey and St. Louis.  I finished this leg of the tour at the General Assembly Conference, the flagship meeting of Jewish Federations from around North America, feeling optimistic and empowered.

The host city to the conference, New Orleans, has got the character thing buttoned up.  This is no franchised, gentrified urban setting.  The birthplace of jazz is still nurturing the art form for new generations.  From the reek of Bourbon Street to the stately mansions of the Garden District, this is a town that keeps you moving, grooving and awestruck.  Katrina is still very much in the foreground of the NOLA consciousness but the emphasis is on rebirth and civic pride. My friend who put me up (and put up with me) was a DJ at the classic jazz station WWOZ during his college years.  That makes him an authority on the hottest musicians and the clubs they haunt, to which we hopped to and fro nightly.  I’m not sure if the locals were sober enough to notice that every third guy had a kippah on.

Once in a while I pull off a trifecta on the road.  That is to say, I perform on any given leg of my annual tour in synagogues of all Jewish denominations.  This ten-day rally is the ultimate example of the fact that I may not fit into any one box but reap the dividends of a broad perspective of the Jewish world.  This week I gave a concert at the stately Touro Synagogue, a proud Reform landmark, and then sang for the Conservative to Modern Orthodox crowd at the New Orleans Hebrew Day School.  In New Jersey I led the davening for the amazing Aish HaTorah PartnersJewish Unity Conference, a gathering of 750 black-hatted rabbis and their friends from around the world.  In New York my brother Yom Tov and I gave a concert for Chassidim in Boro Park, then on to St. Louis where I worked with three day schools, led a Shabbaton and a concert at a popular outreach synagogue.  My policy is to sing for all Jews, wherever they may be, and my personal mitzvah, my Letter in the Torah if you will, is to inspire audiences to be more connected with Israel, each other and their Creator.

So you can see why I arrived at the GA all pumped up.  Over 4,000 delegates in suits wandered the vast square footage of the Sheraton and Marriott hotels downtown. For eighteen years I have been performing and speaking at Federation-sponsored concerts and fundraisers and seem to know a lot of the players.  From the frantic exhibit hall to the ad hoc kosher deli in one of the ballrooms, there was an old friend around every corner. The GA is the Superbowl of Jewish geography! One of the highlights of these high profile conferences is getting to sit in on the plenary sessions and hear in person the most powerful speakers in the world.

I was particularly excited to hear Benjamin Netanyahu speak and managed to find an old friend with an extra seat in the front row.  But the Federation mavens weren’t going to let an opportunity pass to motivate this captive audience.  The myriad opening speakers were so dynamic and uplifting that the Israel Prime Minister seemed anticlimactic.  One young man, Moises Lemor inspired us with his saga of growing up in a Zionist family in Peru, making Aliyah solo and serving proudly in the IDF.  I was brought to tears by a young Hungarian woman who found out that she was Jewish as a fifteen year old at her father’s funeral.  One comment in particular touched me so deeply that I transcribed it in my iphone: upon discovering her heritage she then took the opportunity to “unwrap Judaism like a treasure.” It made me wonder if we should deny American Jewish kids any connection with their heritage until they are mature enough to value it, and only then inspire their newfound love affair to blossom.

I hope the previous paragraphs set the stage for my ebullience at this moment.  I was basking in the immense potential of the collapse of the walls that divide us as a people.  Uplifted by powerful prayer, music, great speakers, and great friends from a week on the road.  Jewish unity not just a concept, but a palpable reality.  And then it began.  Netanyahu unleashed a fear mongering speech almost word for word as dramatic and futile as the one I heard at the past few GA’s.  He bemoaned the Iranian nuclear threat, the advancing trend of the de-legitimization of Israel and the difficulty of negotiating peace with a partner that will not recognize the Jewish state.  He pointed to failure of Herzl’s tenuous dream that the rebirth of the Jewish state would end anti-Semitism.  I felt my smile diminish and I was once again in this state of Reuters/AP/CNN induced ennui.

terrorThen the terrorism began.  A young woman just a few rows behind me stood up and started chanting that the “settlements delegitimize Israel.”  She continued to scream while robust African-American guards dragged her a few hundred yards to the back exit.  The other four hecklers timed their nefarious attack with every-five-minute precision.  The leader of the Jewish people could only stand there in silence and frustration.  The crowd attempted to drown out the perpetrators with screams of their own, which only furthered the degree of damage.  I felt like my insides were turned to jelly with pain and outrage at each affront.  It was bad enough that all decorum was lost. But these were young idealistic Jews who didn’t hesitate to resort to deliver such a “low blow” to the proceedings.  I’ve never seen a better excuse to deploy a taser.  We can be our own worst enemy.

After the speech I hung my head low and limped out of the imposing ballroom.  I spoke of my shock to one of my peers in the Jewish music scene.  His response was that while he didn’t like the interruptions, he was glad that the kids had their moment of protest.  Boy, I felt very alone.  The Arabs we can handle.  But a threat from within?  I suddenly felt connected with that peculiar “V’lamalshinim” paragraph in our Shmoneh Esrai prayer.  Composed as the 19th blessing of an 18 blessing suite, it pinpoints the dire threat of Jews that act as informers, that endanger the well-being of the nation, that corrode the integrity of our common Jewish heart.  Yes, at times our nation is deserving of criticism, but to actively sow the seeds of hatred, distrust and revenge among our friends and enemies is folly.  Note that there is no blessing to thwart foreign enemies.  Internal strife is the only thing that can bring us down. “Blessed are You, Hashem, Who breaks enemies and humbles wanton sinners.”

Today I read in the LA Times of another blight on our future.  The movement to boycott top-name artists and ensembles that want to perform in Israel is led by one Ofer Neiman and his fellow Israeli saboteurs.  They protest publicly, picket concerts, launch campaigns on the web and seek to embarrass the acts into cancelling their appearances.  The Israeli government refers to this internal mischief as “cultural terrorism.”  Rock stars that risk stirring up the waters and upsetting fans are quick to cancel.  There have even been anonymous threats against the artist’s children!  Don’t they see that they are emboldening the radicals that plot our death, throwing kerosene on the flames of world opinion, causing irreparable dissention from within?

This is a time of polarization.  If the Holocaust taught us anything it is that doing nothing, just standing idly by, is the root crime.  Elton John, Rihanna, Rod Stewart, Metallica and Ozzy Osborne broke the boycott and performed anyway.  That fact makes me want to go out and buy some heavy metal.  Elvis Costello, Santana, the Pixies and Gil Scott-Heron cancelled.  Red Shoes and Smooth will never sound as good to me.  This is a time to take a stand, to visit Israel, to defend Israel, to buy Israeli products, to support organizations like AIPAC and Stand With Us.

I’m reminded of the old joke about the two elderly Jewishjews on bench men on the park bench.  (I know, many jokes start like this!)  One is reading the Jerusalem Post and he looks over and is shocked to see his friend reading a radical Arab paper.  “How can you do that?” he cried.  His friend replied, “You read about Jews being persecuted, attacked, assimilated.  I read that Jews own the banks, control the media and rule the world!”  The lesson I came away with last week is that in the macro sense we are being brow beaten in the media, face intense threats from our neighbors and are paralyzed with hopelessness on many fronts.  In the micro realm, however, there is room for celebration.  Amazing new organizations are galvanizing young Jews.  Witness the strength of the internet to unite and inform. Birthright, Ramah, Aish, Chabad, Jewlicious, PJ Library, NFTY, Nefesh B’Nefesh.  Want to regain the feeling that anything is possible for the Jewish people?  Don’t watch CNN or read the New York or LA Times.  Don’t get your online news from AP and Reuters.  Instead, try researching the Jewish Community Heroes, the accomplishments of the Joint Distribution Committee, IDF field hospitals, Tomchai Shabbas, JLTV, Israeli High Tech.

Better yet, slip on some headphones and listen to some good spiritual Jewish music.  It will heal your soul and make your heart soar.  Satisfaction guaranteed.