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Syllabus Part One (class 1 -20)
Jewish Month/Torah Portion/Topics
1. Tevet/Vayechi 5 levels of soul, pt 1 Modeh Ani
2. Tevet/Vayera 5 levels of soul, pt 2 handwashing, am blessings, Rosh Chod
3. Shevat/Bo Emunah prayer methodology, saying amen
4. Shevat/Beshalach 1st Cmmd, G-d's hands Tzitzit
5. Shevat/Yitro,Mishp. Shabbat: shamor vs. zachor T'fillin
6. Adar/T'rum,Tetzaveh Purim/concealment Mezuzah
7. Adar/Ki Tissa,Vayak. Pesach pt 1 Prayer/minyan, M vs. W
8. Nisan/Vayikra, Tzav Pesach pt 2 Seder
9. Nisan/Shemini Omer/mourning Kashrut
10. Nisan/Tazria/Metz Impurity Pzukei D'zimrah
11. Iyar/Achare/Ked. Lag B'omer, monogamy Shma
12. Iyar/Emor/Behar Shavuot, lessons from Ruth Shmoneh Esrai/Shmittah
13. Sivan/Bechuk/Bamid Bad things to Gd. People Public Torah Reading
14. Sivan/Naso/Behalot. Giving Blessings/lashon hara Oral Torah/Pesach Sheni
15. Sivan/Shelach Loving Israel Challah
16. Tammuz/Korach Miracles 13 Principles
17. Tammuz/Chukkat Imperfection of our Heroes Statutes vs. Judgements
18. Tammuz/Balak Messiah Fast days, 3 weeks
19. Tammuz/Pinchas Sacrifices Bris/Baby Naming
20. Av/Matot, Masei Power of Speech Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Syllabus Part Two (class 21 – 35)
1. Av/1st 4 in D'varim Rabbinical law Marriage/Elul
2. Elul/Shoftim Judges/chain of trans. Bris-Bar/Bat Mitzvah
3. Elul/Ki Tetzey Rosh Hashana Conclusion of Sh'moneh Esrai
4. Elul/Ki Tavo 13 Princ. Pt. 1 Brachot Achronot
5. Elul/Nitavim, Vayelech 13 Princ. Pt. 2 Yom Kippur
6. Tishrei/Ha'azinu 13 Princ. Pt. 3 Sukkot Week
7. Tishrei/B'reshit/Noah Tikkun Middot Kashrut Review
8. Cheshvan/Lech L'cha Avraham Taharat Mishpacha
9. Cheshvan/Va-yera Unanswered prayers Sh'ma/tallis/t'fillin Review
10. Cheshvan/Chayei Isaac Bracha Bee
11. Cheshvan/Toldot Jacob Melachot of Shabbat
12. Kislev/Vayetze 12 Tribes/Gratitude Shabbas vs. Yom Tov
13. Kislev/Vaysishlach Yisrael's Struggle Holiday Review
14. Kislev/Vayeshev Joseph Chanukah
15. Tevet/Mikeytz, Vayig. Slavery Beit Din Quiz